Friday, April 30, 2004

Thank you, my darling friends, for all of your lovely comments! You have no idea how thrilled I've been, checking (and, to my embarassment, re-checking) my blog multiple times today just to make sure that I wasn't dreaming... there really ARE comments -- and I didn't leave them! SCORE.

Unfortunately, I have very little wisdom to bestow upon this post... having spent more time taking finals and writing papers than sleeping in the past two days, the very fact that my brain is functioning at all seems rather miraculous. In fact, my higher-level thought processes for the moment are running at about 45%, I'd say... somewhere around "sleep good, homework bad." But, you know, at least I'm not walking around on all fours, making tools out of bone, or grunting. Yet.

On that note, I think I'll go rest for a bit... "pillow soft..." Oh dear.
Alright, here's the deal:

So instead of spending ridiculous amounts of time commenting on everyone else’s blogs, I've decided to spend at least some of that time (and inevitabley more) creating and updating my own. I'm almost certain that this could never replace the therapeutic rewards of putting pen to paper in a *real* journal... but perhaps blogging will provide its own benefits, such as the super-mondo exciting prospect of receiving comments on my posts, rather than constantly using my darling roommate's to alternately rant and rave about various topics. Now I have yet another excuse to dawdle! Beautiful.

Stay tuned... this could be fun, kids.