I really like Michigan Black Cherry Ice Cream.
Headaches, on the other hand, are not very fun.
Earlier today, my adorable neighbor, Nancy, brought me a bonzai tree in a pot... it's so cute! I haven't named it yet, but I'm already feeling attached *wink* It is rather cute with its little stones and white flowers. Kristin, if I can keep it alive until August, we'll have a new botanical addition to Koon #7!
(RIP Richard Simmons the Clown Chia Head 08/03-11/03)
On that sad note... just a few last words to leave you with:
*Congratulations on finishing your finals, everyone -- you can relax now!
*I'm praying for safe travels back home for all of you
*Have a wonderful time at IV Chapter camp, to all who are going!
*Blessings on all of you for relaxing and fulfilling summers!
*Please keep in touch, dear friends. I love you all.
ps. For those of you have asked, my surgery will be on Thursday (May 6th) around 7:30/8:00 AM. I'll be going in for prep around 5:00, and once it starts it shouldn't take longer than 2 hours. Thank you all SO MUCH for your thoughts and prayers -- you have *no idea* how much the Lord has blessed me through your love and kindness. I am nervous, but He has made this infinitely less daunting by providing friends like you to uplift and encourage me.
Love in Christ, Katie
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