Thursday, June 24, 2004

Interestingly Enough...

*Ownership and maintenence of a bonzai tree is NOT all it's cracked up to be... AKA, I have a feeling that were it physically capable of doing so, mine would have legally emancipated itself from me and walked out on this sub-par botanical enthusiast weeks ago. I've forced the poor thing to go thirsty (unintentionally) numerous times, and at this point I'm forced to admit that perhaps foliage just isn't my forte. Shame.

*I read today in our store's little informative update-type newsletter that one of our sales associates somewhere in Tennessee recentely fixed up an order for a Betty Reese Witherspoon, mother of actress Reese, who asked her mom to tell our store and all its employees how much both women love shopping at our store in Nashville. Although I've been employed there for less than a month, I'm flattered and almost giddy over the idea of it in quite a superficial, idolotrous way. And I wonder if that counts as some sort of six degrees of seperation or something. Just kidding.

*I'm trying to decide at what point I must give up my pursuit of the beautiful summer suntan I've desired and, instead, resign myself to the idea of a more Nicole Kidman-inspired look. (Read: It's cold here, there's no sun, my ghostly, almost-translucent skin is beginning to testify to my Irish/Polish heritage while staunchly denying any Greek descent, and I'm losing any and all hope of improving the shade of my melanin-impaired skin.) Input requested. Encouragement appreciated.

Later, kids.

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