Sunday, October 03, 2004

Why do silly faces and sword fights and Shirley Temples and bumper-chairs and eating chocolate cake with our fingers make an already delicious dinner at the Olive Garden somehow more enjoyable?

Why do computers have to get viruses?

Why does Enya facilitate a good reading experience when even Nickel Creek fails to satisfy?

Why is the washing machine in Koon broken... again?

Why does cream cheese freeze when it's left in our fridge with no lid? Is it because it's Great Value brand?

Why does campus feel so big when you're trying to hurry from Koon to Benzing on a chilly evening, but feels so small when brushing your teeth in the morning becomes a Q & A session about the events of the previous evening?

Why are cute little black heels with pink stitching at Target so irresistible?

Why do people think that sucking a salted lemon beforehand makes tequila (or its aftertaste) sweet?

Why does a sense of accomplishment follow the completion of a laundry session? It's merely another beginning of the quarter-snatching cycle. I'm not bitter.

Why is it so much easier to talk about studying than actually doing it?

Why do some people know just what to say and just how to say it, just when you need to hear it most?

Why do daisies last so long?

Why does shampoo have to run out so much faster than conditioner? Herbal Essences should take a hint from Infusium 23. They know what they're doing. Check it out.

Why did I not let my AP12 English teacher know about Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead while it was playing here? She would have loved it -- in fact, she probably would have brought her AP12 class. Bother.

Why did Kristin and I put a trash can behind my dresser and her desk?

Why on earth have we left it there this long?

Why do I want a hug, but not want to ask anyone for a hug?

Why does hot chocolate only really taste good when you're A. done sledding B. inside, cuddled up, reading a good book C. talking around a fireplace at night or D. somewhere cold, like an ice rink?

Why is it that when I specifically lack the free time to devote to it, the prospect of blogging is particularly attractive? Blast.

Why do I blog about things like these when I could blog about useful, meaningful, intellectual, or otherwise more important and interesting things?

Sorry, kids.

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