Saturday, November 20, 2004

It's been quite the busy past few weeks around here, and unfortunately, my blog has suffered for it. Better my blog than my GPA, though, right? In theory, at least. Too bad they might both go down together in this little thing called reality...

But honestly, it's good to be blogging again. It's therapeutic... in a different way than journaling... in this whole sense where I know that at least a few people will see (and some might even care enough to comment on) the words and sentences I string together in this little bit of webspace I call mine. Sweet.

The past few weeks -- months, really -- have been about discoveries, sort of. Discoveries about people and situations and experiences that push me outside of my comfort zone and stretch beyond my former points of reference. And I like it, at least once I recognize it and appreciate it for what it is... an opportunity to rely on Someone higher, put my faith utterly in Him, trust Him completely with the outcome, and grow because of it. And sometimes it's just a really good chance to try something new, challenging, or fun... and risk looking silly... and not let inhibitions stop me from gaining the experience.

Working on the Admissions Call Team (calling prospective students to talk to them about Hillsdale College), co-leading a Bible study, spending time at the nursing home, going to the Charity Ball, performing in a group act for the SAI concert, consulting "the enemy" (kidding, of course) and learning some Scottish Highland dance moves, dueling with duct-tape swords, Irish dancing again (inexplicable release, emotional high, flood of freedom, and pure joy... makes me wonder if I'll ever be able to DO anything with it), and trying out some wonderful new churches instead of settling for one that's within walking distance just because it's "easy to get to and more convenient" are really just the tip of the iceberg.

Ha! Like tonight, with Discovery #637.8 (approx)

Tonight I played Mortal Kombat for the first time EVER in my life at the Mu Alpha House. Besides being one of the most violent, repulsive, and horrendous video games I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing, it is also one of the most physically and emotionally draining to play. Unfortunately for all involved, including myself, it is also rather addictive. Quite addictive, in fact. And I think I almost liked it a bunch of times. Sort of.

At the very least, it really was invigorating.
You should try it.

I'll play you, k?

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