I suppose it's been "about time" to post for a little while now.
Distractions, distractions.
But they've been delightful distractions.
Les Mis was fantastic! For those of you who don't know, Christopher and I were given the opportunity to go with some students from the honours program to see a production of Les Miserables onstage in Chicago about a week ago. Such a redeeming story of repentance, grace, and salvation -- not to mention the positively *beautiful* music. And to top it off, we stayed with a group of people to walk around the city in the early hours of the morning, just taking pictures and enjoying the change of scenery. By the time we arrived back in Hillsdale, the birds were chirping... but the sleep deprivation was more than worth it, and I'd do it again in a heartbeat.
My Little, Michelle, is now an official, initiated member of SAI! Yay for her!
On Sunday, the choir had its spring concert. My parents came to see the concert... and such ;)
It was lovely.
I am officially in the Suites next year with Cate Larsen and the Holsclaw twins. Whoo hoo!
Today I got to meet with my MetroBank scholarship donor at a luncheon. That was cool.
Until today, there was snow on the ground because Michigan is schizophrenic. That was not cool.
My computer is currently out of commission, and I am realizing more and more how dependent I am on technology and its awesome convenience. Boo hiss.
The heat is finally back on in Koon. SCORE.
Maybe next time, I'll blog about something substantial. Maybe not.
For now, I'm going to go do some homework.
Until next time... have a lovely week, friends.
AND you have a wonderful roomie who lets you use her computer;).
hehe. love you!
I commented... check it out!
Acting like an honoUrs student for a day, making whitty jokes about Aristotle and stuff, was quite fun, as was bumming around Chicago, but I'll have to say it was the company that made the trip worthwhile ;-)
Your Scotsman
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