Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I am blogging now.
I should be writing a paper, but I am blogging.

This perplexes me.

The ease with which my fingers rapidly glide over the keyboard when the goal is a blog post also amazes me.
And yet somehow, as soon as my intentions are good and diligence reigns (read: I try to write my paper), those same fingers fail me.

Synaptic gaps become chasms that neurotransmitters dare not venture to cross.
I stare blankly at the screen and wonder if it is possible to be born with a perpetual, debilitating form of writers' block. And in what kind of world would a person like that be an English major?
Oh well.
I suppose I'll think about that tomorrow. Along with the other eightytrillionfivethousandhundredmillion things going tomorrow. And Thursday.

And yet somehow, I have a feeling I'll be blogging again soon.

** Major Update: Cate Larsen has once again become a part of the blogging community! This pleases me!**

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