Friday, February 25, 2005

Sitting down at my desk this evening for the first time since mid-morning, I must admit I was counting on a calm 15-minute repreive from the hectic pace of this crazy day before I would have to pick up once again and head to the SAI house for a meeting. But that wasn't meant to be, for as I engaged in civilized conversation over IM and contemplated the feasibility of receiving any sort of refreshment from an eleven minute nap, a shrill shriek resonated throughout the dorm.

Koon is not a large dorm. Shrieks resonate.
As if that wasn't loud enough, the fire alarm promptly began blaring just outside my door.
So, being the considerate dorm resident I am, I peeked outside my door to see if there was anything gawk-worthy going on in the lobby.
The poor soul responsible for the alarm scampered, shrieking, down the hall to open the microwave door. Smoke billowed out of the microwave. I half expected tongues of flame to burst out as well. The stench was overpowering. Burned popcorn has never smelled so horrendous. Orville Redenbacher himself would have disowned this bag. It was foul.

So the bag was quickly deposited outside the dorm, the fire department promptly alerted of the incident, the doors and windows flung open wide, and once the alarm ceased its obnoxious ringing, Koon returned to its regularly scheduled program.

Except that the dorm smelled awful.
And it still does.
But that's ok, because I'm going to bed.

I really like John Mayer's song "Daughters." Yep.
That's random. Oh well.

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