Thursday, April 28, 2005

Friends, I have a prayer request.

In less than a month now, Lord-willing, I'll be leaving for Uganda, East Africa, on a cross-cultural mission trip.
Doing this, however, requires a good deal of money.
Some of you know that I wasn't able to commit to this trip with certainty until relatively recently, compared to the rest of the team; as a result, I'm behind in gathering financial support.
Right now, I'm trusting that if it is still the Lord's will for me to go on this trip, He will confirm my convictions by providing all of the necessary support -- in time for the trip.

But there's only a month left, and the Lord is testing my faith and asking me to let Him out of the box I've unwittingly confined Him to.

I believe that He will provide.
I know that He sees my needs and has a plan.
I trust that He can do this.

But this is stretching me right now... and I would appreciate your prayers.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus

Philippians 4:6-7


tami said...

Katie! I'm so excited to hear about your funds coming in so quickly. God is SO faithful to answer our prayers :)

Anonymous said...

Katie, I would like to support your trip!! The Uganda trip has always appealed to me although it's never been possible for me to go. Can you email me or something with more details as to how I can contribute?